Wednesday 2 September 2009


We arrive in Sandakan that evening and need some money, so we set out to the cash machine only for it to start raining leaving us stuck in supermarket. While not ideal, this did give us a chance to really survey what this particular supermarket had to offer. Turns out this place had a bit of a cash and carry style section where we bought plenty of chocolate straws, and about a million packs of popcorn for about 1 pound, it seemed like a good idea at the time.
That evening we had a nice meal with Tiffany on the waterfront before heading back to the guesthouse to watch Slumdog millionaire. The following morning we were forced to leave very early in the morning back to KK by the bus schedule. Despite the fact that we only needed to be there for about 6 that evening, the only buys that would get us there left at about 7.30. Unfortunately it turned out that bus wasnt in perfect health, and after spending about an our breaking down roughly every 5 minutes we were all shunted onto another bus, which meant sitting on the stairs as you enter the bus, this wasnt too bad in comparison to our previous experience of sitting on the floor on buses.
We still arrived in KK very early and so spent a few hours sitting in a cafe eating roti, drinking the cheapest drinks, and eventualy eating dinner.
At the airport we bumped into Ulrika who was on her way Bali, turns out Amelie had had a passport related nightmare and was stuck in KL.
We were on our way to KL, to spend a night in a cold, bright airport on a bench that simply was not designed with sleeping in mind. Having said that, I slept surprisingly well, and not even with the help of sleeping tablets.
The flight that followed was a bit of a sleepy blur but before we knew it we were in Medan, with a lovely new visa in our passports. We decided to take a hike to find an ATM, that was an error. Unfortunately a combination of a map with few road names, roads with few road names, and sleep deprivation lead to us walking in circles for what felt like hours until finally finding a ATM by complete chance, not the one we were looking for. We spent some time chatting with a guy who told us we were 'his teacher' before eating an unbelievably cheap meal.
There is virtually nothing to do in Medan so we got a tuc-tuc to the bus station and then for a bus to Berestaggi before sitting down in our guesthouse for a well deserved rest, non stop traveling for near enough 2 days had taken its toll.

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