Tuesday 25 August 2009

Kota Kinabalu

Ignoring the fact it took 11 and a half hours, the bus journey to KK was quite exciting. We got I believe 8 passport stamps, the bus went in to Brunei, then back to Sarawak, back into Brunei, back to Sarawak, and then into Sabah. We also made friends with Aidy and Yanis, an English couple in the pus with us. Turns out that I actually had a few drinks with Yanis and some mutual friends back in Cambodia although it tool a while for either of us to remember, that was a strange coincidence.
That evening we managed to meet up with Tiffany again and then allowed Aidy and Yanis to teach us their illegal drinking techniques, for more info please contact Robbie with any questions.

There is depressingly little to really do in KK, but we both felt that we owed it to Anthony to go and see his museum, the Sabah museum. I would be lieing if I said it was the worlds greatest museum, however there were some interesting exhibits and both Robbie and I learned new things about Sabah. Well done Anthony, nice museum.

I spent most of the rest of the evening trawling around shopping centres in the search for flip flops in my size and one again, for the third time in this holiday someone decided to steal mine. The most annoying this was that this time they were rubbish flip flops, I was in need of new ones anyway. Robbie’s are nice and new, much better than mine, the same size, and were right next to mine, why did this drain upon society chose to steal mine despite better options, I will never understand the youth of today.

That evening Robbie Tiffany and myself had a great night out bowling, but we had to get her home early because she was climbing Kinabalu the next day. Kinabalu is SE Asia’s highest peak, we would be going to the national park, but Robbie and I had decided we couldn’t afford the 100 pounds it cost to climb, we were therefore suitably jealous of Tiffany.

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