Wednesday 22 July 2009

Kanchanaburi - Ianapa, Kandahar or Cayman Islands?

Early the next day we headed off to Kanchanaburi which is the sight of the Bridge on the River Kwai and the POW camp that housed the workforce for the infamous Japanese death railway. We rented some bicycles and toured the city. We went up to the bridge, which looks nothing like the film, and crossed it to see the terrain the railway passes through which highlights the work it took to build it. Crossing the river we headed to Wat Phrae Noon, which is a cave temple - pretty self explanatory. An intricate system of caves houses hundreds of religious icons, mainly buddhas but a few others. Having already cycled a good 15km we decided to make our way back to our hostel via one of the war cemetries commemorating some of the 16,000 commonwealth POW who died building the railway. The cemetry itself was well kept and provided quite a moving moment for all three of us seeing the names of boys who had died, many younger than us now. Unfortunately, the respect and remembrance they deserved wasn't fully shown by the Thai family there who treated it as a play park.

Our map indicated a cinema in Kanchanaburi and being off season and not wanting to miss Harry Potter we tried to find it, with no luck so we headed back to our hostel. Having seen the sights of Kanchanaburi we headed back to Bangkok the next afternoon.


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