Tuesday 30 June 2009

Si Phan Don, The Four Thousand Islands

Just on the border between Cambodia and Laos is an area of the Mekong river populated with many islands, i would guess at four thousand. That was our next stop, but before getting there there was the small issue of border crossing. Using our best good cop-bad cop routine we somehow avoided having to pay the 'stamp fee' aka bribe to get out of cambodia. Unfortunately despite pretending we had no money, asking for a reciept, asking to speak to a superior and sitting down and playing cards for 2 hours we failed at the laos side and had to be the ludicrous sum of 1 dollar.

On to don det, a beutiful little island very popular with backpackers. The place was pretty, and we enjoyed a day cycling around seeing waterfalls etc, but the wallpaper table beds were an aquired taste, so the following day we moved on to the next island of don khong.
It is difficult to know how to explain don khong, pretty without being spectular i think would be fair. We enjoyed some fantastic fish and a few good cycle rides before spending the evening drinking 'loa loa cocktails' with a Frenchman and a German whos name I cannot remember for the life of me.

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