Tuesday 26 May 2009

Hoi An

After leaving Hue as swiftly as we had arrived, we caught a rather poorly air conditioned bus to Hoi An. We had heard great reviews from a lot of travellers about Hoi An and ipon arrival we quickly realised that the main attraction of Hoi An is clothes. Suits, trousers, jeans, t-shirts; whatever clothes you want you can have custom made to fit in Hoi An. Tiffany quickly raked up a rather large bill but we managed to resist the urge to get a tailored suit.

A few miles outside the city we quickly came across what we had heard were the best beaches in vietnam and we weren't disappointed. We spent the best part of two days just relaxing on the golden sand or floating through the warm sea. It was a very welcome break from our very hectic schedule over the last week or so. We also managed to find another football match to demonstrate to the locals how football SHOULD be played. At least until we landed oursleves with a couple of grusome foot injuries.

We had also heard rumours of a pretty good nighlife in Hoi An, which we sampled on a couple of occasions and found it was great, if not a little overpriced. We on two seperate nights ran into past friends from our travels; firstly we found Seth from our Sa Pa trip in the "Same Same not Different" bar before running into Brad, who was on our Ha Long Bay trip, in the very same "Same Same not Different" bar.

Tonight we're catching an overnight bus to Nha Trang, where we'll probably stay for one or two nights.


1 comment:

  1. Your exploits seem to be getting a wider audience than you might imagine. I ran into Cheryl at the tennis club at the weekend who said that there is a following in Wales too. Dad
